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Excitable Boy

In the style of

Warren Zevon


well he went down
to dinner
in his sunday best
excitable boy
they all said

and he rubbed the
pot roast
all over his chest
excitable boy
they all said
well he's just an
excitable boy

he took in
the four a.m. show
at the clark
excitable boy
they all said

and he bit the
leg in the dark
excitable boy
they all said
well he's just an
excitable boy

he took little suzie
to the junior prom
excitable boy
they all said

and he raped her
and killed her
then he
took her home
excitable boy
they all said
well he's just an
excitable boy

after ten long years
they let him
out of the home
excitable boy
they all said

and he
dug up her grave
and built a cage
with her bones
excitable boy
they all said
well he's just an
excitable boy huh


  • Duration : 2:47
  • Key : E
  • Genre : Rock
  • Year released : 1978
  • Language : English

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