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Shapes Of Things
In the style of
shapes of things
before my eyes
just teach me
to despise
will time make man
more wise
here within
my lonely frame
my eyes
just heard my brain
but will it seem
the same
come tomorrow
will i be older
come tomorrow
maybe a soldier
come tomorrow
may i be bolder
than today
now the trees
are almost green
but will they
still be seen
when time and tide
have been
fallin' into
your passing hands
please don't destroy
these lands
don't make them
desert sand
come tomorrow
will i be older
come tomorrow
maybe a soldier
come tomorrow
may i be bolder
than today
i hope that i will find
deep within my mind
that won't disgrace
my kind
- Duration : 2:22
- Key : G
- Genre : Rock
- Year released : 1966
- Language : English
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