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Come In Out Of The Pain
In the style of
i'd be lyin'
if i said
i never prayed for this
i can show you
here and now
how much love
you've missed
i'm happy
that you're sad
i know that sounds
so wrong
but darlin'
you must know
the pain's gone on
too long
come in out of the pain
let me dry your tears
he's been gone
for days
and i've loved you
for years
lay down in my arms
there ain't no shame
well don't just
stand there girl
come in out of the pain
well i know how
a heartache feels
it shatters
when it breaks
and if you
believe in me
he'll be
your last mistake
i can't stop the wind
and i can't
stop the rain
but i can promise you
that i can
stop your pain
come in out of the pain
and let me
dry your tears
he's been gone
for days
and i've loved you
for years
oh lay down in my arms
there ain't no shame
well don't just
stand there girl
come in out of the pain
let me dry your tears
girl i've loved you
for years and years
and years
- Duration : 4:04
- Key : A
- Genre : Country
- Year released : 1992
- Language : English
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