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Wasted On The Way
In the style of
look around me
i can see my life
before me
running rings
around the way
it used to be
i am older now
i have more than
what i wanted
but i wish that
i had started
long before i did
and there's so much
time to make up
everywhere you turn
time we have
wasted on the way
so much water moving
the bridge
let the water come
and carry us away
oh when you
were young
did you question
all the answers
did you envy
all the dancers
who had all the nerve
look around you now
you must go
for what you wanted
look at all my friends
who did and got what
they deserved
so much time
to make up
everywhere you turn
time we have
wasted on the way
so much
water moving
the bridge
let the water come
and carry us away
so much love
to make up
everywhere you turn
love we have
wasted on the way
so much
water moving
the bridge
let the water come
and carry us away
let the water come
and carry us away
- Duration : 2:46
- Key : D
- Genre : Rock
- Year released : 1982
- Language : English
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