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No More, No Less

In the style of

Collective Soul


here i lie
catch me if
you can

my properties
of no defense
so strike at your

but don't
bring me down
don't bring me down
'cause there's
purpose for
this night

save me
come tomorrow
lead me
to my urgency

see i'm
no more no less
of an angel
than you'd have
me be
so let's shake it
like this

steady here
i cast my lines
only to expose

a weaker sense
and no constraint
now my true
self shows

but don't
bring me down
don't bring me down
'cause there's
in this night

save me
come tomorrow
lead me
to my urgency

see i'm
no more no less
of an angel
than you'd have
me be
so let's shake it
like this

don't bring me down
don't bring me down
and there's
still promise
in this night

save me
come tomorrow
lead me
to my urgency

see i'm
no more no less
of an angel
than you'd have
me be

yeah save me
come tomorrow
lead me
to my urgency

see i'm
no more no less
of an angel
so let's shake it
like this


  • Duration : 5:21
  • Key : B
  • Genre : Rock
  • Year released : 1999
  • Language : English

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