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Broken Lady

Dans le style de

Larry Gatlin


she's a broken lady
waitin' to be mended

like a potter would mend
a broken vase

a broken lady
waitin' to be mended

and have what's left of
the pieces put back in place

her love was like a fortress
around a man she would have

died for a takin' care
to take care of all he needed

but the lady's fortress
slowly turned into a prison

and the warnin' signs he gave
she never heeded

she vowed every mornin'
that what god joined together

no one else in the
world could put apart

then the walls came
tumblin' to the ground

a her world came crashin'
down around her heart

now she's a broken lady
waitin' to be mended

like a potter would mend
a broken vase

a broken lady
waitin' to be mended

and have what's left of
the pieces put back in place

she's a broken lady
waiting to be mended

and have what's left of
the pieces put back in place


  • Dur�e : 2:42
  • Tonalit� : Bb
  • Genre : Country
  • Ann�e de lancement : 1975
  • Langue : Anglais

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