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Too Marvelous For Words

Dans le style de

Frank Sinatra


you're just too marvelous
too marvelous for words

like glorious glamorous
and that old standby amorous

it's all too wonderful
i'll never find the words

that says enough tells enough
i mean they just

aren't swell enough
you're much too much

and just too very very

to ever be
in webster's dictionary

and so i'm borrowing
a love song from the birds

to tell you
that you're marvelous

too marvelous for words

you're much you're too much
and just too very very

to ever be to ever be
in webster's dictionary

and so i'm borrowing
a love song from the birds

to tell you
that you're marvelous

tell you that you're marvelous
tell you that you're marvelous

too marvelous for words


  • Dur�e : 2:28
  • Tonalit� : F
  • Genre : Standards
  • Ann�e de lancement : 1956
  • Langue : Anglais

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