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Walk Away Renee

Dans le style de

Four Tops


and when i see the sign
that points one way
the lot
we used to pass by
every day

just walk away renee
you won't see me
follow you back home
the empty sun
walks on my block
i'm not the same
you're not to blame

from deep inside
the tears
i'm forced to cry
from deep inside
the pain
that i chose to hide

just walk away renee
you won't see me
follow you back home
now as the rain
beats down
upon my weary eyes
for me a lie

just walk away renee
you won't see me
follow you back home

now as the rain
beats down
upon my weary eyes
for me a lie

your name and mine
a heart on a wall
still finds a way
to haunt me
though they are
so small

just walk away renee
you won't see me
follow you back home
the empty sun
walks on my block
i'm not the same
you're not to blame


  • Dur�e : 2:44
  • Tonalit� : A
  • Genre : Pop
  • Ann�e de lancement : 1968
  • Langue : Anglais

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