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Standing In The Shadows Of Love

Dans le style de

Four Tops


standing in
the shadows of love
i'm gettin' ready for
the heartaches
to come

can't you see me
standing in
the shadows of love
i'm gettin' ready for
the heartaches
to come

i wanna run
but there's
nowhere to go
'cause heartaches
will follow me
i know

without your love
the love i need
it's the beginning of
the end for me

'cause you've
taken away
all my reasons
for livin'

when you pushed aside
all the love
i've been givin'
now wait a minute

didn't i
treat you right
now baby didn't i
didn't i
do the best i could
now didn't i

so don't you leave me
in the shadows of love
i'm gettin' ready for
the heartaches
to come

don't you see me
in the shadows of love
just tryin' my best
to get ready for
the heartaches
to come

all alone
i'm destined to be
with misery
my only

it may come today
and it might
come tomorrow
but it's for sure
i ain't got
nothin' but sorrow

now don't
your conscience
kinda bother you

how can you
watch me cry
after all
i've done for you
now hold on
a minute

gave you all
the love i had
now didn't i
when you needed me
i was always there
now wasn't i

i'm tryin' not
to cry out loud
you know cryin'
it ain't gon'
help me now

what did i do
to cause
all this grief
now what'd i say
to make you
want to leave
now wait a minute

gave my
heart and soul to you
now didn't i
and didn't i always
treat you good
now didn't i

i'm standing in
the shadows of love
i'm gettin' ready for
the heartaches
to come

don't you see me
standing in
the shadows of love
tryin' my best
to get ready for
the heartaches
to come
oh i am


  • Dur�e : 2:39
  • Tonalit� : Bbm
  • Genre : R&B/Hip-hop
  • Ann�e de lancement : 1967
  • Langue : Anglais

Contenu connexe

Autres chansons dans le style de Four Tops