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It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday (Radio Version)
Dans le style de
how do i say goodbye
to what we had
the good time
that made us laugh
outweigh the bad
i thought we'd get
to see forever
but forever's
gone away
it's so hard
to say goodbye
to yesterday ee
i don't know
where this road
is going to lead
all i know
is where we've been
and what
we've been through
hoo ooh ooh ooh
if we get
to see tomorrow
i hope it's worth
all the wait
it's so hard
to say goodbye
to yesterday ee
and i'll take with me
the memories
to be my sunshine
after the rain
it's so hard
to say goodbye
to yesterday ee
and i'll take with me
the memory
to be my sunshine
after the rain
it's so hard
to say goodbye
to yesterday ee
ee ee ee ee ee ee ee
ee ee ee ee ee ee ee
- Dur�e : 2:55
- Tonalit� : E
- Genre : R&B/Hip-hop
- Ann�e de lancement : 1991
- Langue : Anglais
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